3 Things I Gifted Myself This Birthday to Make My Life Even More Beautiful; Adult Style to Celebrate Birthday
I lost my excitement to celebrate birthdays a long time ago. For no specific reason other than feeling completely lost and off with life.
I thought celebrating the birthday was stupid and childlike. I convinced myself that ‘I didn’t do anything great by being born so there is nothing really to celebrate.’
However, my perception changed last year.
What changed?
I changed. My perception to see myself changed. My idea of ‘Life’ changed.
Long story short, I realized that even though I didn’t do anything great by being born, my birth is a sign of enjoying and celebrating life. I am here because the Universe/God/the invisible force wanted me to be here. I am not a mistake. I am here because I was meant to be. So why don’t I celebrate the day I was born to enjoy life?
Last year, I celebrated my birthday by traveling to my favorite city and spending the day in a temple and exploring the town. I did a whole bunch of other things too.
This year, I had plans to travel to the same city as well but I got my period two days back and I am sitting here a day before writing this article.
However, irrespective of ‘how I choose to celebrate my birthday, I focus more on ‘GIFTING’ myself precious things that can make my life as beautiful as heaven.’
Let me show how those 3 things that I planned for myself:
1. A Fresh Start for a Dream:
How many times do you self-sabotage in your day?
You might say ‘rarely’ but if you take a closer look at your life, you will realize that you sabotage your every move. Right, from ‘I cannot wake up early’ to ‘Why cannot I stop overusing social media’ or when someone compliments you, you say ‘Oh, I am not that good.’
Self-sabotage is our home. The very home we run to whenever a new opportunity, a change, or fear comes our way. We took shelter in our home of self-sabotage that we have built over the years with the bricks of self-doubts.
My home is quite big in that regard. Because people around me helped me build the foundation of my ‘self-sabotage’ home.
Last year I introduced this new tradition of writing a letter to myself future self — promising one dream I will fulfill by next year.
Last year on my way to that favorite city, I got this idea and instantly I opened my iPhone and started writing a letter to my future self — promising that I would write a book. Today, I am the author of 3 BOOKS. It was a gift I promised myself I would give and I did.
Today, when I read that letter, I felt my home shattered and in place of that, the garden of my confidence and dreams started blooming.
This year, I haven’t written a letter yet. However, I promise myself to become a YouTuber by next year. I promise and I will make it happen.
I would advise you to do the same. You doubt yourself like it’s your job. You self-sabotage because it feels safer. You don’t do what you know you want to because you are scared.
But underneath it all, you know you are capable. That’s why you cannot get ‘that’ one idea out of your head. Don’t let that idea or dream die a slow death in your heart. Let it bloom. Water it with your hard work, give it the right environment by surrounding yourself with good people, and promise yourself that you will make it happen.
I cannot stress enough how proud you will feel when you see your dreams unfolding in reality. You would feel like you are being reborn and life will feel exciting as it does to a child. All you need to do is — GIFT yourself the promise of making that one dream happen and giving yourself enough time to achieve it. Don’t be in a hurry. Take your time but promise that you will work on it. Because just as your existence needs to be celebrated so does the desire of your heart.
2. Worship Your Body:
A couple of months back I went shopping with my friend who came to town for a few days.
I started exploring the watch section because my god! I can never have enough watches. I liked a watch very much but it was quite expensive so I decided to buy it for myself on my birthday if I still liked it.
I couldn’t stop thinking about that watch and promised that I would buy it on my birthday no matter how expensive it was. However, a random thought popped into my head ‘You really want to decorate the body that you don’t take care of?’
It hit me hard. So, I promised that on this birthday, I promise to gift myself with a healthier body. I have an on-off relationship with my body and unlike other people, I cannot just eat anything. My stomach is sensitive and no matter how much I like certain dishes, they end up giving me chest pain. Still, I was eating it all. You know ‘one life, enjoy it.’
But I decided to take another route. I have a plan to travel to France at 50 and walk on the streets wearing an all-white outfit with my grey hair matching it. If I don’t take care of my body now, I might not look hot or maybe I will become a storehouse of diseases then how will I enjoy France at 50?
So for my 50-year-old self, I decided to bless myself with a healthy body and healthy lifestyle where I am mindful of my activity in my day-to-day life.
My advice to you is the same. Take those damn 10k steps and exercise for 30 minutes 4–5 times a week. Go for walks. Eat good food when you are out otherwise put clean food in your body. You cannot rely on anyone. When you are sick, you will just be a responsibility for people. No fun anymore. So take care of the day that you have been blessed with and make sure you are ready to enjoy life at 50 just as much as you do now.
Worship your body. Treat it like a treasure, not a dump yard where you throw anything at any time of the day. A little mindfulness can help you.
3. Building a Joyful Life:
When was the last time you sat alone and did whatever your heart really wanted to?
If you have to take time to respond, please don’t complain about life being rough for you.
I wholeheartedly believe that life is good and fun and sweet and meant to be enjoyed.
Now, I know some people will say ‘It might be for you but you don’t know me and my tough situation.’
Trust me, if I sit down to tell you my problems, you might start sympathizing with me. But no need.
Because I believe in making my life fun. And when I say life, I mean my days. One day at a time. One morning. One afternoon. One evening. Taking one step at a time rather than looking at the bigger picture just to realize I am all lost.
This year was quite rough, especially the last month and this month is already weighing me down. But then, I can either cry about it (which I already have) or I can do my part.
After a good cry, I decided to do my part. I believe and recommend crying. It helps to clear your head.
Now, one of my biggest goals in life is to just — ENJOY LIFE. To enjoy every day. To fall in love with my life, my day-to-day life so much that I cannot tap on the jealousy or envy or worry anymore. To do more of the things that light me up. To not wait for people to come and join me for anything that I want to do.
I said this in my book, The Art of Being Alone,
“Romanticize the actions that you take for yourself. Acknowledge your desires and turn them into something better than your imagination. It’s all about making an effort for yourself.”
Keeping my advice in mind, I promised myself to build a good life for myself. To do things that excite me. The secret of it is your day-to-day life.
All these things are not limited to me. These are the things that you can gift yourself as well today to celebrate your upcoming birthday with excitement. We expect a lot from others. We expect others to show up for us, celebrate our existence, and throw a surprise party. But what about you?
What do you do for yourself? How do you celebrate your existence?
Take this personal article as a sign to celebrate yourself and promise to gift yourself everything that your heart desires.
With that, I am not off to plan an itinerary for tomorrow. I am planning in advance what will I do, where will I go, what I will eat, and more.
Until then, read my book — The Art of Being Alone.