Habits that Make Me Happy; The Joy of Slow Life

Renuka Gavrani
5 min readJun 2, 2023

When I look around myself, be it in real life or the digital world, I only feel the rush. The rush to be more, and do more. Perhaps, do 3 things at a time or achieve everything by the age of 21. Life seems to be moving pretty fast that if I don’t take a second to intentionally slow down, I find myself drowning in an ocean.

But then no matter how much I complain about how the world around us is moving fast, the point is what do I do to slow down?

See, it’s easier to ignore what your heart desires when you are busy competing with your external world. And it’s easier to say that ‘I am not happy with my life than actually doing something to make yourself happy.’

I tried to blame the world for moving fast and making me feel tired of running to win the invisible trophy that apparently we all want. But nothing good came out of it. So I decided to slow down and do something to make myself happy every day.

I am in my early 20s. A very important and critical time for anyone. You want to enjoy life and explore beautiful places but you need to work hard and make money to pay your bills. And somewhere in this difference, people of all ages lose their happiness and pick up on complaints and frustration.



Renuka Gavrani

I talk about slow & Intentional living - taking you closer to a happy life. I am a published author of the book 'The Art of Being Alone': https://a.co/d/531JIFq