I Implemented 3 More Challenges From Can’t Hurt Me And Why You Should Do These Challenges Too
There is absolutely no use of reading nonfiction books if you don’t implement what you learn. In fact, reading self-help books and not implementing is more like wasting your time, money and energy just to fool yourself in the end.
Recently, I published an article on the first 3 challenges that I did from Can’t Hurt Me. You can read it here. There are total challenges and in this article, I will discuss the next 3 challenges that I implemented, what I learnt and why you should implement them too. If you do all these 10 challenges with me, probably, you wouldn’t need to read the book.
3 More Challenges From Can’t Hurt Me And Here Is Why You Should Also Do These Challenges:
Challenge 1:
Ask any mediocre person why he/she isn’t successful and you will come across several excuses. And guess what, I was one of those until I read the challenge no. 4 in Can’t Hurt Me. David says that challenges aren’t going to leave your hand. And there could be many genuine reasons why you are not able to achieve your goals but at the same time, there is always a chance to turn the table.
Sit down with a pen and paper, now think who is stopping you from becoming what you always wanted to. Is it your teacher who overlooks you? Is it your coach? Are your parents not allowing you to follow your passion?
The only solution to change the perception about you is by practicing your ass-off and becoming an expert in what you do so that the same people start respecting you.
Let’s say your parents are imposing a career on you. In that case, instead of just sitting there and cursing your fate, get up, do what you want to and achieve excellence in it. When your parents will see that you are serious about what you do and moreover, you are good at it, they will automatically start supporting you.
For example: I want to shift to a new city due to my work but my parents are extra protective and they were not allowing me to shift. I read this challenge and thought why aren’t my parents allowing me? Obviously, they love me and they are concerned about how I will manage everything. To turn the table, I started acting like a mature woman, I clean my own room, I get up early, I started earning more than I used to and that’s how I have changed the mindset of my parents. They are not fully ready yet but they are at least considering my choice.
I recently heard this quote that says, “What you do speak so loud that I cannot hear what you say”
No one can stop you except you.
So, make sure you are not your biggest hurdle on your way to success.
Challenge 2:
It’s time to visualize!
Again, the average person thinks 2,000–3,000 thoughts per hour. Rather than focusing on bullshit you cannot change. Imagine visualizing the things you can. Choose any obstacle in your way, or set a new goal, and visualize overcoming or achieving it.
But visualizing isn’t simply about daydreaming of some trophy ceremony-real or metaphorical. You must also visualize the challenges that are likely to arise and determine how you will attack those problems. That way you can be as prepared as possible on the journey.
Most of the people think visualization just means sitting and dreaming about a perfect life where you have everything on your plate and you are resting like a King but heyya, it’s time to wake up.
For example: When I did this exercise, I visualized my goals of becoming a top writer on Medium in writing. I am already a top writer in books and reading. While visualizing this, I also visualized how much knowledge I need to gain first, how I have to read tons of good books on writing, and how I have to experiment with different writing styles so that I can create valuable lessons.
Let’s say you visualize a six pack or zero figure body goal but when it comes to real life, you cannot stop eating pizza, burgers, fries and other junk. You visualized a perfect body but you forgot to visualize going to gym, giving up on junk food, etc.
I dare you to sit down in a quiet place, empty your brain and now visualize what do you want to achieve by the end of this year and what are the possible hurdles you will come across, and how you will kick off those hurdles?
Challenge 3:
The third challenge is to remind you that you are a BADASS and you can achieve anything you set your mind on.
The third challenge is about taking out your journal and writing down your previous achievements. These achievements could be anything that you initially thought were impossible but when you tried hard, you were able to do it.
The purpose of this challenge is to remind you that if you could do it in the past, you can do it now too. Maybe the challenges you face today are 10x in difficulty level but you have also grown, ain’t you?
For example: When I did the exercise, I wrote about my struggles growing on Instagram. I started creating content on Instagram in August 2020 but after 6 months when I didn’t see any results, I gave up. After 1 month of quitting, I don’t know what came over me that I decided to try again but this time with consistency and with the focus on valuable content. Result? I grew to 20k followers within 4 months.
I am facing the similar issue that I faced when I started. I am creating valuable content on Instagram consistently but for some reason, I am not able to grow from the past 4 months. Yes, I felt devastated, angry and what not. But when I read this challenge, I could remind myself that the journey is long, giving up isn’t an option, I have to do my level best and the growth will automatically follow me.
I dare you to remind yourself that you were always a warrior, you have fought in the past and you can do it now as well. You are a Badass who can achieve anything. Got it?
All these 3 challenges are extremely important and utterly simple so don’t you dare to make any shitty excuse. You have read about these challenges, now take out your pen, paper and start implementing all of them right NOW!
I will see you in the next remaining 4 challenges but till then complete these!