I Stopped Playing the Guess Game with Life & My God, Life Is Beautiful Again
I don’t think I have ever been happier for no reason.
I believe there is only one way to make life rich — by making your day-to-day life happier. Instead of looking at life as a complete picture and trying to guess the ending, focus on ‘What can I do today to MAKE THIS DAY COUNT?’
Yeah, I know sometimes I talk like a saint or a guru. But trust me, I have made my share of mistakes and made my simple life miserable.
One of the worst things I did to myself in the past two months was to — keep trying to guess ‘What is going to happen next? What if I wouldn’t be able to do it? What if I fail? And more such personal what ifs.’ And trust me, it wasn’t fun.
I was trying to imagine ‘how my life may end up’ whilst sitting in my room with Netflix to ignore the chatter of my mind.
And that brings me to the first thing I want to advise you today.
1. Stop Playing the Guess Game; Start Enjoying the Present Day:
Tell me honestly, ‘How many times in a day do you imagine the absolute best for yourself?’
Ahhaa! I got you.
The problem with you and me is pretty simple. We imagine the absolute worst things that could happen to us — all the ways we can fail, all the possible hurdles that might come on our way, all the reasons why we are not good enough, all the proofs of how our life is going to be a mess and eventually be depressed about ‘the worst things that we know will happen to us.’
Funny, isn’t it?
Nothing bad has happened. Yet you feel depressed/sad about the worst predicted outcomes. Bad things may not happen and you may get everything you wish for. However, you don’t let yourself be at peace because your brain is always on alert — to imagine all the bad things that might happen.
Due to this one habit, you are never happy or rather always looking for reasons to be happy. Reasons that can overpower ‘your assumptions about the future.’
That is precisely why — it’s tough for you to enjoy your day-to-day life without any giant reason to be happy.
So, what’s the solution?
Simple! Stop playing the GUESS GAME. You cannot predict the ending. Seriously, you cannot.
If there is one thing I have learned early in life, it’s this — life changes in ways you cannot expect. All you can do is give your best and enjoy the present moment.
Just because you are overthinking about the future or trying to predict what could go wrong doesn’t mean you have power over every event of life. Your overthinking feels safe to you because it gives you an illusion of control — that you can do something about it if you are pre-informed.
But sorry dear, you cannot. This guessing game is just turning you into an anxious person who is always on alert, never enjoying any moment of life and always trying to imagine the worst that could happen.
You need to stop playing this game. You need to stop running the movie of your life. There is a reason why God or whatever you believe in didn’t tell you how your life will turn out. There would not be any surprise or exciting element if you always knew what will happen next. So, hold on darling.
The best you can do is — enjoy this very moment. If you are reading this article, be fully present and enjoy it with a cup of hot tea or iced coffee. Don’t be in a rush to complete things.
This is one thing that has helped me a lot. I started my YouTube channel just a month back and I was always overthinking (even before I posted my first video) what if no one watches my video? What if no one loves how I speak? What if I end up making fun of myself?
Oh, dear God! It was so humiliating to think the worst for myself. I finally posted my first video and today it crossed 1k views. See, it wasn’t that bad. I was just making it bad in my head so much so that even with myself, I started feeling humiliated.
Now, it’s your turn. You have played this guessing game enough and for a long. It’s time to take life as it comes. One day at a time. One day after another.
2. Make Each Day Count With a Simple Question:
For as long as I can remember, I have made excuses for not waking up early.
Because I always complained ‘Who in the world would give up their sleep for a stupid morning?’
I know I was stupid. However, for the past week, I am waking up at 7 AM. Not because I wanted but because I have no choice. My neighbors are loud people and they play music so loud that I had no other choice.
Anyways, I was pretty frustrated and angry at first. But then, I thought ‘It’s my day and I am not going to ruin it for any reason.’
So, I asked myself ‘How can I make it enjoyable?’
The answer was simple — I always wanted to exercise in the morning but…you know. Now, I wake up — exercise — bathe — make my hair and dress up well — take my coffee, and write (or read). It’s peaceful and everything I always wanted.
But why am I telling you this?
Because honey, no matter what, you always have the power to change your day into fun. You can make your day count if only you decide to. You can make it enjoyable by doing something you like instead of worrying over things that are not out of your control.
I want you to take pause and ask yourself this right now,
“How can I make this day count? What can I do to make this day enjoyable?”
Once you know the answer, get to it. And ask yourself this question to yourself every day and every time things start to feel messy or out of your control.
Your entire life is not under your control but your day-to-day life is. If you can make each day count as it comes, you will be amazed by how beautiful life becomes as a collection.
3. Schedule Peace in Your Life:
Overthinking or this guessing game is now a habit. It’s more like your safe place. You are comfortable with it. Hence, changing it suddenly wouldn’t be easy.
So, what can you do?
You can introduce a new habit to your brain. A new habit that is more addictive and comforting so that your brain automatically gives us on overthinking.
This new habit is — Scheduling Peace in Your Life.
Well, how can I know? I don’t know you so I don’t know what gives you peace.
However, I can share my example with you for reference.
For example, I, as I have often shared, go to my terrace at night after dinner and stay there for at least 15–20 minutes. I like it there.
- Other times, I sit with my mother and share a cup of tea along with some gossip and that gives me peace.
- And then there are times when I sit alone with iced tea and a good book. And that makes me feel peaceful.
All in all, every day is different. Every day brings some new challenges. Accordingly, it decides our mood. Hence, one way wouldn’t work every day. Your source of peace will be different but I promise, there will always be something that can make you feel at peace.
What is that source of peace is on you to find out.
Now, as they say, peace be on you.
I am going to read a book now with breakfast so allow me to leave.
If you like my article, you will love my book — A Gentle Touch of Life.