My Friend’s Aunt’s Death Taught Me The Biggest Life Lesson

Who do you think you have in this world?

Renuka Gavrani
5 min readSep 25, 2023
Photo by Meghan Hessler on Unsplash

It was a usual Sunday morning when my friend told me the news that one of her aunts had died. Many of her close relatives are in the same town as I do. The news was quickly spread and everyone started calling each other as to ‘who is going for the last rituals.

Of course, someone from each family had to go.

Everyone started calling each other to ask ‘who is going from their family’ so they could also decide better. By the end of the day, a few people were saying, ‘I don’t really have the time to go but I have to,’ or ‘I am not feeling well yet I have to go,’ or ‘Can we go tomorrow?’ and things like that.

When my friend told me this, I was simply taken aback for a minute. After ending my call with her, I couldn’t stop but think:

“Once you are gone, your death will be a task in other’s to-do list that they will have to check off.”

The people that you are so worried about wouldn’t be affected by your death for a second. In fact, attending your last rituals will be another work for them. Something that they just HAVE TO DO.

Sure, 2–3 people will be sad and shed tears but in the end, the majority of people that you have in your life, from your relatives to neighbors, will be completely fine. And if some of your relatives live in a different city, they will have to travel all the way just to attend your last rituals because they have to. Hence, your death would rather bring some discomfort to some people.

But the question is why am I telling you this?

You are not dying nor am I. Or at least so we think.

The reason I wanted to share this incident with you is:

One Big Stage Called ‘Life’:

You and I spend the majority of our lives worrying over ‘what will people think?’ We don’t let ourselves wear what we feel comfortable in because it’s not trendy. We don’t let ourselves sit and talk in a way that comes naturally to us because we are afraid people might not find it classy. Our every action is limited by one thought ‘What would people think?’

Yet, people are not thinking anything. You think you are important. You think people are paying attention to you. You think people will gossip about you and laugh at you. But people, general human beings, were never really loyal to anyone except themselves.

People wouldn’t give a tiny rat’s ass about your death and you are worrying about not starting that one dream project because you are afraid what would people think?

My love, people don’t have time to think about you. People are obsessed with themselves so much so that attending the last rituals of someone is a matter of discomfort to them.

That’s what people are. That’s who you and I are.

Look around you. There is no one more hypocrite than humans.

Humans talk about love yet we hurt the innocent animals who have done no wrong to us. Humans write about the importance of being kind and whine when someone is rude to them but we are the ones who rip the skin of animals just to make bags and coats and boots with it. We talk about seeing the beauty of this world but we are the ones who destroy nature every day.

I am not making you feel bad for anything. I am just introducing you to our reality. The world we have created is hyper-selfish. Our definition of love is limited until it serves us. For example; We love cats and dogs. But we eat chicken and pigs. Why? Where is love then?

I am not asking you to go vegan. I am just introducing you to your and mine hypocrisy.

We brag about being kind to others yet we follow those celebrities who endorse the brands that still support animal testing and ripping their skin for a trendy cute jacket.

I know, I might get a lot of hate or unfollows for saying this.

But oh I have to. Humans were never loyal to anyone. We support and love until it benefits us on a certain level. And until something specifically hurts us or comes our way, we don’t bother.

For example; If someone kills your dog, you will go crazy. But what about all those innocent animals who are being used as testing products? Aren’t they innocent? Did they do anything wrong except being born on Earth where humans live?

The truth is: The people that you are so worried about don’t care about you even the slightest bit. So push yourself and do whatever it is that you have been planning.

Stop giving so much weight to the opinions of another human because humans suck. We are selfish and mean. The world is just a big drama stage. Everyone is performing their parts. No one cares about you as much as you think they do. So let go of your need to please humans. Let go of your need to feel loved and supported by people. Let go of any expectations from another person.

Because at the end of the day, you came alone. You will die alone. In between life and death, enjoy life. Do whatever you want. Make yourself feel alive. Do good to others. Protect those you can. And never even for a second think, what will people think? Because people aren’t thinking anymore. We all are busy making things happen for ourselves. No one has time for you. So stop your obsession with the opinions of other humans.


With that being said, I just wanted to remind you through this article that,

The world is a stage set by the Universe/God. Everyone is busy performing their parts while you are sitting there wondering ‘what would think?’ or ‘wanting to be loved by a certain someone.’ Let me make it clear, you are here alone. Deep down, no one gives a damn about another person until someone is really close to you. And the number of close ones is limited to 2–3 people.

If these 2–3 people really love you, they will support you. And if deep down, you are scared of their opinions, maybe your heart knows that these people aren’t really yours.

In any case, you have got to do YOU. You have to take care of yourself and support your dreams on your own. You have to cheer yourself up and go after the things that excite you. You have to live your life like you want. You have to enjoy every day and look for the best in everything. You have to praise yourself and find happiness with or without people. You will have to learn to enjoy your ‘alone’ time. You will have to make your life so good that the thought of other’s opinions never reaches your mind.

In short, You have to start living for yourself. Because people really don’t care.

PS: If you like my article, you can read my book here: A Gentle Touch of Life.



Renuka Gavrani
Renuka Gavrani

Written by Renuka Gavrani

I talk about slow & Intentional living - taking you closer to a happy life. I am a published author of the book 'The Art of Being Alone':

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