One Buddhist Technique that Helped Me Send Love To People I Used To Feel Jealous/Competitive Towards

How to become that pure soul who is free from the negative energy

Renuka Gavrani
5 min readOct 2, 2023
Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

There are some people like me who don’t want to feel jealous or competitive towards other people yet somehow we do.

I was that person. I used to feel jealous of people I absolutely love and then I used to feel this intense hatred toward myself for being jealous of someone who is my friend.

I tried to work on it. I tried to not feel jealous. I tried to not take people’s success as a setback for me. I tried to explain that just because this random person, whom I don’t even know, has become successful doesn’t mean my life is ending. I am on my journey. I tried to feel good for people who are making big things happen for themselves. I tried not to hate myself. I tried until I couldn’t take it all in.

All I wanted was to become a pure person. Someone who minds her own business. Someone who is calm. Someone who doesn’t take other’s success as a fear or another chance to judge herself.

I read a lot about it. I did a lot of research. Although, there are a number of things that helped (including taping on childhood trauma), here is one Buddhist Meditation Technique that helped me turn my jealousy into love and make my soul pure.

Metta Buddhist Meditation Technique:

There are various ways to meditate depending on the result you want to achieve. The base of all is — meditating on something, it could be your breathing, a person, or a particular scenario.

In this meditation, you need to close your eyes and meditate on the person you are feeling jealous or competitive towards. Someone is triggering you to feel negative. It could be a friend or someone completely unknown you saw on social media.

Once you pick your person, you are supposed to imagine the very best things that can happen to this person. You are supposed to send love, happiness, peace, or whatever it is you think this person needs more of in their life.

For example; I used to feel jealous towards a social media influencer a year back. I was jealous of his success. Somehow we started talking, just normal ‘Hi & Hello.’ I used this technique to send good things into his life. I wished he achieved more things in his life. At that time, he told me he was thinking of starting another page but was very anxious. So, I imagined that his second page is doing great and he is very confident about it.

What did it do?

He is successfully running a second page today and we are great friends. No, it didn’t happen because I imagined it.

However, when I let go of my jealousy and prayed the best for him, I realized in my meditation that he must be having self-doubts or worries related to the future of the new page along with a job.

So I messaged him and asked if I could help in some way. He said, ‘I needed your help but I didn’t if I should ask. But now that you have messaged, I would really appreciate it if you could guide me on how to achieve more as a bookstagram.’

I said, ‘Call me in 10.’

I used to run a book page and had more than 50k followers. I shared everything that I had learned and he worked on those things that suited him.

Why am I telling you this?

Because by the time our call almost ended, he had said ‘thanks’ like a zillion times. And in that moment, I felt a little bad that I ever felt jealous of this amazing human but I also felt extremely proud of myself for stepping up as a human. It made me believe in myself.

Recently, I needed his help regarding something and he helped me. He didn’t even hesitate. In a second, he was ready to help. It was then I realized that:

“Kindness never goes anyway. It comes back to you.”

If you do good, good will find you. Maybe not today but a month or a year later. But kindness, mark my words, never goes away. If you believe in doing and thinking good, you will not be harmed.

So, take this article as a signal for you to start meditating on the person who is triggering you to feel jealous or negative in any aspect. Meditate on this person and imagine good things happening to him/her. Send good energy to their way and in return, it will purify your mind and soul.

Negativity Is Contagious:

When you are feeling jealous or envious of anyone, even if you don’t want to, you are doing bad to anyone. It’s just making you bitter.

The more you think about this person, the more jealous you’ll feel — the more bitter you’ll make your mind.

Besides, thinking negatively or feeling jealous is low-grade energy. It’s stored in your body. The more negative energy you store in your body, the more negative you will attract, even if you want good things to happen to you.

You get who you are.

So if your energy is negative, you will end up attracting negative. Also, if your mind is full of jealousy or envy, how will you ever get the time to think what’s best for you?

Metta Kills Negativity:

When you practice Metta, you replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. You do not feel or think positively, you rather force yourself to reach the ultimate heights of spirituality.

Bhagwat Geeta says when you can feel other’s pain and be happy in other’s happiness, that is the moment, you reach beyond human experience.

So when you are meditating to imagine the best for others, you are purifying your soul. You are freeing yourself from the negative energy that was stored in your mind.

Hence, when you think good for other people, you start to attract good things in your life as well. Simply because your energy changed. You replaced negativity with love and abundance. Thus, attracting it back into your life.


Energy is everything. Your mental thoughts are everything. Once you change it, it will change your life.

Go ahead and try the Metta Buddhist Meditation Technique and I am sure in no time, you will feel pure like a child and good things will start to happen to you.

PS: If you like my article, you will love my book — The Art of Being Alone.



Renuka Gavrani
Renuka Gavrani

Written by Renuka Gavrani

I talk about slow & Intentional living - taking you closer to a happy life. I am a published author of the book 'The Art of Being Alone':

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